For Everything There is a Season......
Yeah, like Fire Season....
A new fire broke out today in the Hunter Ligget/Naciemento-Ferguson Road area. Callie has been called in for more dozer work.
Evacuations are going on again......supposedly north of Lucia. This fire is south of the extreme southern boundary of the Basin Complex Big Creek.
Here is the first MODUS pass. In the foto you can see Nacimiento-Ferguson Road where it leaves the beach at Mill Creek. The cluster of little squares just north of there is Lime Kiln State Beach, which is just a short distance from Lucia. Point 16 and the Camaldolese monks cannot be happy. They had a front row seat for the Kirk Creek fire in '99. This fire is about five miles away today.

You can see the new hotspots on both sides of the road. The fire in this MODUS pass runs about two and half miles in breadth, and a mile and a quarter from north to south.
If you go to Google Earth and zoom into this area, each of the little squares is a foto posted by someone. Most of these in this area from crazy, hard-core bikers like our Will Chesebro (think Tour de France, not Sturgis, ND).
It is gorgeous country. was.
More anon......
A new fire broke out today in the Hunter Ligget/Naciemento-Ferguson Road area. Callie has been called in for more dozer work.
Evacuations are going on again......supposedly north of Lucia. This fire is south of the extreme southern boundary of the Basin Complex Big Creek.
Here is the first MODUS pass. In the foto you can see Nacimiento-Ferguson Road where it leaves the beach at Mill Creek. The cluster of little squares just north of there is Lime Kiln State Beach, which is just a short distance from Lucia. Point 16 and the Camaldolese monks cannot be happy. They had a front row seat for the Kirk Creek fire in '99. This fire is about five miles away today.

You can see the new hotspots on both sides of the road. The fire in this MODUS pass runs about two and half miles in breadth, and a mile and a quarter from north to south.
If you go to Google Earth and zoom into this area, each of the little squares is a foto posted by someone. Most of these in this area from crazy, hard-core bikers like our Will Chesebro (think Tour de France, not Sturgis, ND).
It is gorgeous country. was.
More anon......
It has been interesting, that is for sure, Mike. I have tried and tried to leave comments, as I am a regular fan since the Basin fire, but google/blogger does not like me!!
I have been keeping a blog of this fire since it started. You can read my reports here:
Thanks! Good work.
I just posted all your stuff with attribution.
Keeping our fingers crossed.
Stay on the Sheriff........Don't let them run bullshit on you guys.
Sam Farr and Potter are all about "Locals Rule''.
Tell Bob and Joey Hi for me.......and poor Mark at Big Creek. He is
supposed to be getting married pretty soon!
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