Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Election Night......

We will be having a vigil at The Cachagua Store on November 4th.

Micah's pizza. A nice buffet.

Bring a Japanese sword for ritual seppuku. In case McCain wins.

Bring your Irish passport and copy of one-way tickets to Dublin. In case McCain wins.

Bring a receipt for donations to John McCain that pre-date March of this year.

Bring a receipt for donations to Cachagua Fire after today.

Bring a receipt for donations to Jill Derby in Nevada.

Bring a receipt for donations to Darcy Burner in Washington State.

Bring a receipt for donations to defeat Proposition 8.

Otherwise....bring a bottle of local wine, and some cash to donate to our fundraiser for Antero, the assistant winemaker at Heller who is facing a $15,000 bill for kidney stones.

If you contribute to all of these folks......we will have the best massage person in Northern California ready to relieve that stress for you.

Got it?

Get to it.

And don't think you are gonna slide in because we like you or know you.

I subscribe to the butterfly flap in Thailand causes the West Wing of the White House to develop cracks.

Workers, clients, friends, relatives......

All of us have twenty bucks.

Hook up some of my friends.....or hang in the parking lot with the douche bags.

Or you could go to the Carmel Women's Club on Tuesday. We are catering the Republican victory party.



Blogger azazl said...

my 7 year old son, Griffin, informed me that Obama won the Nickelodeon 'kids pick the president'. I asked him if they asked any of the kids why they voted Obama and he said "because he is a nice guy and smarter than John McCain" then Maeve, my 6 year old daughter, piped up with "Yeah and he dosnt talk a load of BULLSHIT" and squealed with peals of laughter. Ah out of the mouths of babes....:)

6:48 PM  
Blogger mb said...

Wish I could be there. If you can, spare a positive thought for Christine Gregoire in the Washington State gubernatorial race. If she loses, I might have to move to Canada.

6:43 PM  

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